Smiling for the camera from left to right is Dan Peluso, Riley Ferris, Lara Patz

Career and Tech Senior, Riley Ferris, has completed five months of interning at TST BOCES. Under the guidance of Public Relations Specialist, Lara Patz (16’ CTE Cosmetology Alum) and Graphic Designer, Dan Peluso, Riley has taken on many projects and stepped into the realm of communication. “I learned a lot during this internship,”says the Digital Media student, “I learned alot about public relations, graphic  design and logo design. I was also taught the 5 P’s of marketing, social media management and other categories that fell under that umbrella.” When it comes to designing this internship, Patz believes it was in Ferris’s best interest to develop a digital portfolio. “One of the most important parts of our work here at Career and Tech is leaning into students' interests and taking their passions to the next level. By building a digital portfolio, Riley can showcase his skills, document his professional growth over time, and see what he can improve upon. I believe whether you are trying to apply for college or enter the workforce it is critical to learn how to market yourself and feel confident doing so.” Some of the items the trio developed together were posters, a photography Instagram account (@rileyferphotography) and designed a personal logo to help Ferris build his own brand. They also touched on subjects such as how to build content, copywriting, and storytelling. 

On the graphic side of this learning experience, Peluso took the time to walk Riley through different platforms such as Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. “It is important to properly communicate through design what people should feel when looking at a brand,” states Peluso. “Riley and I covered color theory, client relations, being flexible in a work environment and problem solving in graphic design. One piece of advice I would give to students interested in graphic design is to try to absorb as much as possible. You will develop your own library of knowledge and experiences that will be indispensable when creating things. Also, graphic design can be full of happy accidents so don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment.”

As Ferris gears up for graduation day, he spends time reflecting on his time at TST BOCES and his internship overall. “I would highly recommend this internship to other students because I was able to dive into many different parts of communication. It was a lot of fun!” This fall, Ferris will be heading to SUNY Oswego to study communication. Patz and Peluso wish him the best of luck on his next adventure. 

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