TST BOCES provides energy management services to help school districts optimize their energy use and reduce costs. According to the EPA, one out of every four dollars spent on energy in U.S. schools is wasted, amounting to $1.5 billion annually. Energy costs (heating fuel, electricity, and water) can total 1.5% to 3.5% of a school district’s annual budget. With limited financial resources for K-12 education, ongoing cost reductions are essential. Reducing a district’s energy expenditures benefits everyone involved.
Our Services:
Leadership and Implementation: Collaborate with administrative and facilities teams to develop and implement energy conservation efforts within the district.
Tracking, Analysis, and Reporting: Utilize advanced tools to track energy consumption and costs, and generate detailed reports for better management.
Recognition Programs: Assist districts in participating in programs that acknowledge successful energy conservation efforts, such as EPA Energy Star, Green Globes, and Green Ribbon Schools.
Energy Audits: Conduct thorough evaluations of energy consumption to identify areas for improvement.
Efficiency Upgrades: Implement energy-saving measures such as upgrading lighting, HVAC systems, and building insulation.
Sustainability Initiatives: Promote and support renewable energy projects and sustainable practices within school districts.
Training and Education: Provide training on energy conservation methods for faculty and staff.

Our Energy Management Clients
School Districts
Candor Central School District
Chenango Forks School District
Dryden Central School District
Ithaca City School District
Johnson City Central School District
Newfield Central School District
South Seneca Central School District
Trumansburg Central School District
Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES
List of EMS Services | TST BOCES Energy Management Powerpoint 2015 | TST Energy Management Program Brochure | TST Energy Performance Contract
Electric Vehicle Charging
TST BOCES is Leading The Charge Towards a Cleaner, Greener Future!
TST BOCES faculty and staff now have access to electric vehicle charging stations on campus!
Two Charging Station Locations:
Administration Building (A)
Nearest to Warren RoadFacilities Building (G)
Nearest to Buildings Main Entrance
Setup Your Account:
Download EV Connect from Apple Store or Google Play
2. Create an account using your TST BOCES email
3. Contact Energy Management to finalize your account (mmedina@tstboces.org)
EV Connect App
LOCATE available charging stations nearby
MONITOR charging progress in real-time
PAY $0.15 cents per kilowatt hour

EV Connect Indicator Lights



Using the Charging Station
Contact Us!
Mauricio Medina
Energy Management Coordinator
607-257-1551, ext. 6021
Joyce Turner
607-257-1551, ext. 6012