Model Schools
The Model Schools Program leads and supports districts in using instructional technology to provide the best possible learning environment for every student. The Model Schools program can accomplish this outcome by:
Facilitating the development of multi-year instructional technology plans that provide a structure for technology-enhanced, culturally and linguistically responsive learning environments to support improved teaching and learning.
Using multiple data sources to design and deliver customized professional learning to build teacher and administrator capacity to promote student learning and growth through the integration of relevant technology.
Leveraging job-embedded instructional coaching & modeling the use of purposeful technology implementation to improve student achievement.
Supporting the implementation of the new NYS Computer Science & Digital Fluency standards through the development of standards-aligned, impactful resources; the design of scope and sequences; and by coaching educators to seamlessly integrate computer science in K-12 classrooms.
Dedicated FTE‘s: In addition to regional support, districts can purchase a dedicated person, by the FTE, to work directly with them at the district or building level.
What We Do
Additional Information

Benjamin Kirk
Instructional Specialist
ext. 7206

Angela Levy
Instructional Specialist
607-257-1551 ext. 7209