Administrative Services
The main objective for Administrative Services is the focus of attention upon local district initiatives to improve pupil performance for all students, and the best method for BOCES staff to assist in achieving that objective.
Administrative Services that are currently offered at TST are: Central Business Office, Employee Benefits Management, Payroll, Print Shop, and Substitute Calling Service.
Administrative Forms
Central Business Office
The TST BOCES Central Business Office provides tax collection, treasury, accounts payable, claim auditing, payroll and employee insurance benefit services to the component districts. These services enhance each district’s ability to process daily tasks as well as to segregate key functions within such district’s personnel.
Central Business Contact:
Kymberlee Zimmer
CBO Executive

Employee Benefits Management
TST BOCES provides comprehensive Employee Benefits services to several districts, including Lyncourt, Moravia, Newfield, South Seneca, Spencer Van Etten, Trumansburg, and TST BOCES itself. We manage health, dental, and vision benefits for both active employees and retirees.
Employee Benefits Contact:
Kelly Cooper
Employee Benefits Manager
Print Shop
TST BOCES offers a full printing service operation, including layout work, pre-press preparation, typesetting, printing and copying, bindery, laminating service, sign making, yearbooks, posters, stationery, embroidery and consultation/advice for your printing needs.
Print Shop Contact:
Kathy Crane
Senior Print Room Operator

Substitute Calling Service
For teacher absences, TST BOCES offers a fully automated substitute calling service for teachers and substitutes in participating component school districts. At this time, the participating school districts are Candor, Dryden, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield, South Seneca and Trumansburg.
Substitutes wishing to work in any of the TST BOCES component schools except the Ithaca City School District and the Groton School District, can use our regional application form. To access these forms, please go to the links below.
The automated substitute calling system uses Aesop, which is a substitute placement and absence management system available by phone and online.
Substitute Calling Service Contact:
MaryKay LaLonde
Administrative Assistant
(607) 257-1551
Regular business hours: 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday while school is in session
Contact Us!
David Parsons
Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services
Phone: 607-257-1551
Laura Brown
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 607-257-1551