What is Career and Technical Education?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are designed to prepare students for a specific career or trade. CTE programs offer students the chance to learn the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in various highly demanded career clusters.

At TST BOCES, we currently offer 13 Career and Tech Programs to help high school students explore their career interests, provide education and training, earn college credits and industry certifications, and apply their learning through real world experiences both in and out of the classroom setting. CTE students are educated in a variety of technical areas, preparing them for entering the workforce with a marketable skill and for continuing on to higher education. Programs are taught for a minimum of 2 hours during the AM or PM session each day, and internship experiences are intertwined into each CTE curriculum. Bus transportation is provided daily to and from the Career and Tech Center.  Students continue their major academic subjects in the remaining three or four periods at the home school district. Students receive 2 – 4 credits for each year of their Career and Tech Program.


Active Learning for a World of Possibilities

Career & Tech students come from the area high schools in Tompkins, Seneca and Tioga counties and attend classes for the entire school year. Career & Technical Education provides a high school schedule with an academically enriched pathway to high school graduation that helps prepare them for college and careers.

With a wide range of educational opportunities, the Career and Tech Center provides classes spanning cosmetology, animal sciences, automotive technology, digital media, criminal justice, culinary arts, welding and so much more. Contact the Career and Tech Center to learn more about how to enroll, sign up for an internship and start building valuable skills to help you in college and your career.

The Future of Career Success

Combining academic programs with real hands-on learning, Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides its students with many different paths to the future. Some go on to college, others go right into a career. All have started to achieve the occupational and 21st Century skills so important in building a successful life and career.  There is a skill gap in the workforce today with millions of CTE ready jobs waiting for you to learn the trade and apply.

person working icon 30+ Million ​CTE Jobs​ There are about 30 million “good jobs”—jobs that pay a median income of $55,000 or more and require education below a bachelor’s degree.  two figures talking icon Learn Desired Success Skills Success skills such as work ethic, effective communication,  and creative problem solving are sought after by employers at all professional levels.  CTE places high focus on these skills in real world environments. person earning more money icon High Need of CTE Trades 89% of manufacturers face talent shortages, with 60% reporting a high or very high impact on productivity.  This number is only increasing.

Did you know image

CTE Students and their parents are 3X more likely to self-report being very satisfied with learning real world skills than students with a traditional high school experience.


CTE & The Future