Parents Bill of Rights
Data Privacy and Security
Book: Policy Manual
Section: 6000: Students
Title: Data Security and Privacy
Policy Number: 6320-a
Status: Active
Protected Data means personally identifiable data of students from student education records as defined by FERPA, as well as teacher and Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data regarding annual professional performance reviews made confidential under New York Education Law §3012-c and §3012-d.
Publication: This policy shall be published on the District’s website and notice of the policy provided to all officers and employees of the District.
The District shall provide the data protection as well as the protection of parent and eligible student’s rights and rights to challenge the accuracy of such data required by FERPA (20 USC §1232g), IDEA (20 USC §1400 et. seq.) and any implementing regulations.
The District hereby adopts the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) in accordance with the Commissioner’s Regulations.
Every contract or other written agreement with a third-party contractor under which the third-party contractor will receive protected student data or teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data shall include a data security and privacy plan that outlines how all State, federal, and local data security and privacy contract requirements will be implemented over the life of the contract, consistent with this policy.
Nothing contained in this policy or the District’s Data Security and Privacy Plan shall be construed as creating a private right of action against the District.
Every use and disclosure of personally identifiable information, as defined by FERPA, shall be for the benefit of students and the educational agency. Examples of such benefit are provided in implementing regulations.
The District shall not sell or disclose for marketing or commercial purposes any Protected Data, or facilitate its use of disclosure by any other party for any marketing or commercial purpose, or permit another party to do so.
The District shall take steps to minimize its collection, process and transmission of Protected Data.
Except as required by law or in the case of enrollment data, the District shall not report to NYSED Juvenile Delinquency records, criminal records, medical health records, or student biometric information.
All contracts with vendors that have access to Protected Data shall comply with NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
The District, in compliance with Education Law §2-d, provides the following:
As used in this policy, the following terms are defined:
Student Data means personally identifiable information from the student records of a District student.
Teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) Data means personally identifiable information from District records relating to the annual professional performance reviews of classroom teachers or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) that is confidential and not subject to release under the provisions of Education Law §§3012-c and 3012-d.
Third-Party Contractor means any person or entity, other than a District, that receives student data or teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data from the District pursuant to a contract or other written agreement for purposes of providing services to the District, including, but not limited to, data management or storage services, conducting studies for or on behalf of the District, or audit or evaluation of publicly funded programs. Such term shall include an educational partnership organization that receives student or teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data from a school district to carry out its responsibilities pursuant to Education Law §211-e and is not a District, and a not-for-profit corporation or other nonprofit organization, other than a District.
Neither student data, nor teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data will be sold or released for any commercial purpose;
Parents have the right to inspect and review the complete contents of their child's education records;
Security protocols regarding confidentiality of personally identifiable information are currently in place and the safeguards necessary to protect the confidentiality of student data are maintained at industry standards and best practices. The safeguards include, but are not limited to, encryption, firewalls, and password protection. As required by Education Law §2-d (5), the National Institute for Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Version 1.1 (NIST Cybersecurity Framework or NIST CSF) is adopted as the standard for data security and privacy;
New York State maintains a complete list of all student data collected by the State and the data is available for public review at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/sirs/NYSEDDataElements2018.xlsx, or by writing to the Office of Information & Reporting Services, New York State Education Department, Room 863 EBA, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12234;
Parents have the right to have complaints about possible breaches of student data addressed. Complaints should be directed to the BOCES’ Data Protection Officer, at TSTBOCES.org;
The District will promptly acknowledge receipt of complaints, commence an investigation, and take the necessary precautions to protect personally identifiable information;
Following its investigation of a submitted complaint, the District shall provide the parent or eligible student with its findings within a reasonable period but no more than 60 calendar days from receipt of the complaint;
Where the District requires additional time, or where the response may compromise security or impede a law enforcement investigation, the District shall provide the parent or eligible student with a written explanation that includes the approximate date when the District anticipates that it will respond to the complaint;
The District will require complaints to be submitted in writing;
The District will maintain a record of all complaints of breaches or unauthorized releases of student data and their disposition in accordance with applicable data retention policies, including the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule LGS-1;
This policy will be regularly updated with supplemental information for each contract the District enters into with a third-party contractor where the third-party contractor receives student data or teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data. The supplemental information must be developed by the District and include the following information:
the exclusive purposes for which the student data or teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data will be used by the third-party contractor, as defined in the contract;
how the third-party contractor will ensure that the subcontractors, or other authorized persons or entities to whom the third-party contractor will disclose the student data or teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data, if any, will abide by all applicable data protection and security requirements, including, but not limited to, those outlined in applicable State and federal laws and regulations (e.g., FERPA; Education Law §2-d);
the duration of the contract, including the contract’s expiration date and a description of what will happen to the student data or teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data upon expiration of the contract or other written agreement (e.g., whether, when and in what format it will be returned to the District, and whether, when and how the data will be destroyed);
if and how a parent, student, eligible student, teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) may challenge the accuracy of the student data or teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data that is collected;
where the student data or teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data will be stored, it will be described in such a manner as to protect data security and the security protections taken to ensure that such data will be protected and data security and privacy risks mitigated; and how the data will be protected using encryption while in motion and at rest will be addressed.
This policy shall be published on the District’s website. This policy shall also be included with every contract the District enters with a third-party contractor where the third-party contractor receives student data or teacher or Instructional Supervisor (Principal) data.
Additional Information
List of approved applications with supplemental information:
Parents have the right to have complaints about possible breaches of student data addressed. Complaints should be directed to the BOCES’ Data Protection Officer:
Dan Parker
Data Privacy Officer