Documents and Resources
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Required Documentation
Due July 1 or within 14 days after commencing home instruction
Please contact your district’s registrar to establish residency within the school district if you have not already done so. Districts may also request evidence of compulsory age.
2 - Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP)
Due August 1 or within four weeks after commencing home instruction, whichever is later.
A separate, written IHIP must be submitted for each child being instructed at home. The required contents of an IHIP are set out in Commissioner’s Regulation 100.10(d). Information on required courses, by grade level, can be found in Commissioner’s Regulation 100.10(e).
due by dates indicated by you on your IHIP (spaced in even and logical periods)
A separate, written Quarterly Report must be submitted for each quarter and each child being instructed at home. Please note any changes to physical/mailing address, district of residency, parent contact information, etc. Changes to instruction such as adjustment of content, subjects, or instructors should be reflected on a revised IHIP.
due with 4th quarter report by June 30th
Requirements and guidelines for assessment are outlined in Commissioner’s Regulation 100.10(h). Standardized tests are required for children in grades 9-12 while a written narrative assessment is expected for children in grades 1-3. Children in grades 4-8 are required to take a standardized test at least every other year. Parents are responsible for the purchase of testing materials and arranging for them to be administered. Test results are due with the 4th quarter report so it is important to allow ample time for ordering, shipping (if applicable), and scoring. Only copies of official test results from the testing service will be accepted as evidence of testing.
2020-2021 NOTICE: Similar to 2019-2020, an amendment has been adopted by the Board of Regents which includes regarding Regents exams and annual assessment for home instruction. Additional NYSED updates can be found on the NYSED News 2021 page.
Are homeschool students eligible for Regents Examination exemptions?
No. Homeschool students are not enrolled in the high school, and do not earn diploma credit, which is a necessary component of eligibility for an exemption to a Regents Examination due to COVID-19. Homeschool students wishing to take a Regents Examination may be admitted to such examination during the next available examination administration.
Homeschool students intending to use the Regents Examinations for the required annual assessment are not exempt from such annual assessment. However, Section 100.10(h) of Commissioner’s Regulations that requires annual assessment for students participating in a program of home instruction was amended to provide that an alternative narrative evaluation, in lieu of a standardized annual assessment, shall be permitted for all grades in the 2019-20 and 2020-21 schools year due to COVID-19.
Local Organizations and Support Groups
Suggestions from Area Home Instruction Families
Textbooks and Other Resources
Submit Paperwork
To submit completed paperwork, you may email the home instruction office or traditional mail it to:
Home Instruction Office
555 Warren Road, Building J
Ithaca, NY 14850
Contact Us

Dori Biata
Senior Typist / Homeschool Instruction
(607) 257-1551 x. 7210