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New & Upcoming PD Sessions

War and Peace: Japanese art from the Edo period - Johnson Museum Session

Professional Development for Teachers: War and Peace, Part 5  THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2025 Zoom: 4:00–5:00PM / In-Person: 5:15-6:15PM REGISTRATION REQUIRED

War and Peace: WWII & Margaret Bourke-White - Johnson Museum Session

War and Peace, Part 6  THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2025 Zoom: 4:00–5:00PM / In-Person: 5:15-6:15PM REGISTRATION REQUIRED


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Professional Learning Framework

TST professional learning focuses on promoting organizational, educator and student learning. Our Regional Coordinator of Professional Learning uses a wide range of student outcome data to coordinate regional curriculum and professional development efforts. This work focuses on organizational change, participants’ use of new knowledge and skills and student learning.

We aim to develop research-informed (Fowler, Guskey, Learning Forward, Love, Hattie, etc.) professional learning opportunities that both lead and support school communities in their efforts to provide the best possible learning environment for every student. In collaboration with component districts and improving student outcomes, these professional learning opportunities are offered. We invite your input in developing additional opportunities to meet your needs.

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Contact Us

Emily Wemmer heashot

Emily Wemmer
Director of Regional School Success
(607) 257-1551